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제목 2004 IAVE Wellcome !! 2004-01-28
작성자 사무국 hit : 2905
첨부파일 첨부된 화일이 없습니다.  


The 18th World Volunteer Conference promoted by IAVE (International Association for Volunteer Effort)
and on this occasion directed by FCVS,
(Federaci?Catalana de Voluntariat Social) will be held in Barcelona
from August 17 -21 2004 within the framework of the FORUM de las Culturas 2004.

In this event the Conference wishes to make the world aware of what volunteer work represents.
It will discuss in depth the ethical framework under which it will move forward,
and the nature of volunteer commitments in the defense of values such as justice and human rights.
It will likewise aim to formulate proposals to make this task easier,
turning it into a real opportunity to make an impact,
a true engine for change toward a better world. In short,
this Conference aspires to give meaning to the words of Ken Allen:
the volunteer is the fundamental building block for constructing a civil society.
Without people who wish to commit themselves to their community,
neither NGOs, nor philanthropy, nor responsible governments,
nor democracy are possible.?
이전글 MBC 특별생방송(기획안) 20040127000000
다음글 파주센터 소장님 새해인사의 글 20040129000000

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